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Digital Cameras
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Security Cameras (147)
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Accessories (157)
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Digital Cameras

  Canon SD1000 7.1MP Digital Camera
Inside, the SD1000 Digital ELPH looks only to the future: 7.1 megapixels, a 3x optical zoom and advanced DIGIC III ensure top-quality images.

Only $169.97

  Logitech 960-000048 QuickCam Pro 9000 Webcam
Stay face to face, wherever your road takes you! The Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 is a versatile and easy way to take your webcam on the go.

Only $79.99

JVC GZ-MG130U HDD Camcorder
Canon PowerShot A590 IS Digi
GE A730 Digital Camera, 1GB
Canon SD1000 7.1MP Digital C
Canon DC210 mini DVD Camcord
Canon S5 IS Digital Camera
General Electric A730 Digita
Canon HG10 High Definition H
Logitech 960-000048 QuickCam
Canon ZR850 Digital Camcorde

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Overstock - Digital Cameras

General Electric A730 Digital Camera
General Electric A730 Digital Camera - 7 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 4.8x Digital Zoom, 2.5" LCD, Black
Only $79.99 

Canon PowerShot A470 Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot A470 Digital Camera - 7.1 Megapixels, 3.4x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 2.5" LCD, Red
Only $119.99 

HP Photosmart R847 Digital Camera
HP Photosmart R847 Digital Camera - 8 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 8x Digital Zoom, 3.0" LCD Display
Only $129.99 

Canon PowerShot A590 IS Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot A590 IS Digital Camera - 8.0 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 16x Total Zoom, 2.5" LCD
Only $159.99 

Canon SD750 7.1MP Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Camera - 7.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 3.0" LCD, Silver
Only $179.99 

Olympus FE-340 8 MP Super Slim Digital Camera
Olympus FE-340 Super Slim Digital Camera - 8.0 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD, Black
Only $189.99 

Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Camera - 8.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 12x Total Zoom, 2.5" LCD, Blue
Only $249.99 

Canon S5 IS Digital Camera
Canon PowerShot S5 IS Digital Camera - 8.0 Megapixel, 12x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 2.5" LCD, OIS
Only $319.99 

Canon ZR850 Digital Camcorder
Canon ZR850 Digital Camcorder (Refurbished) - 1,070,000 Pixels, 35x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD
Only $159.99 

Canon DC210 mini DVD Camcorder
Canon DC210 mini DVD Video Camcorder - 680K CCD Sensor, 35x Optical Zoom, 1000x Digital Zoom, 2.7" TFT LCD
Only $229.97 

Canon ZR950 MiniDV Camcorder
Canon ZR950 MiniDV Camcorder - 48x Advanced Zoom, 37x Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital Zoom, 2.7" LCD
Only $239.99 

Canon VIXIA HF100 High Definition Camcorder
Canon VIXIA HF100 High Definition Camcorder - 12x Optical Zoom, 200x Digital Zoom, 2.7" LCD
Only $899.99 

Olympus EVOLT E-510 with 14-42mm Lens
Olympus EVOLT E-510 with 14-42mm Lens - 10 Megapixel, 2.5" LCD
Only $649.99 

Olympus EVOLT E-510 with 14-42mm & 40-150mm Lens
Olympus EVOLT E-510 with 14-42mm & 40-150mm Lens - 10 Megapixel, 2.5" LCD
Only $749.99 

Nikon D80 D-SLR Body with 18-55mm DX VR Lens
Nikon D80 D-SLR Body with 18-55mm DX VR Lens - 10.2 megapixel, 2.5" LCD, 7.5x Zoom
Only $949.99 

Nikon D200 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only)
Nikon D200 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - 10.2 Megapixel, 2.5" LCD
Only $1,399.99 

  Digital Cameras Subcategories
Digital Still Cameras (108) Document Cameras (4) Accessories (157) 
Digital Video Camcorders (DV) (29) Flash Memory Readers (107) Replacement Batteries (22) 
Digital Film Media (145) Security Cameras (147) Optics (1) 
Digital Picture Frames (20) Web Cams (44) 

Digital Cameras

A digital camera is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images on a light-sensitive sensor, then storing it on digital media (such as flash memory).� Many compact still digital cameras can record sound and moving video as well as still photographs. Today, digital photo cameras outsell 35 mm film cameras 20 to 1.� Digital cameras have been available in the market now for many years, and are manufacturer by a wide array of companies, such as: Argus, Canon, Fuji, HP, JVC, Kodak and more.� With the success of digital photo cameras, has come whole new classes of accessory products, including digital photo frames.

Digital cameras can include features that are not found in film cameras, such as displaying an image on the camera's screen immediately after it is recorded, the capacity to take thousands of images on a single small memory device, the ability to record video with sound, the ability to edit images, and deletion of images allowing re-use of the storage they occupied. Digital cameras come in many styles, types, and resolutions.� There are now 6 mega pixel, 8 mega pixel, digital SLR cameras, there are even weather and water proof digital cameras.� Digital cameras are incorporated into many devices ranging from PDAs (Smart Phones) and mobile phones (called camera phones) to vehicles. The Hubble Space Telescope and many other astronomical devices are essentially giant digital cameras.

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